How to beat demons.

How do we beat demons and win at life?

  • With prayer and fasting like it says in Matthew 17:21
  • Obeying the 10 commandments. 
  • Believing in Yahoshua for where we fail. 

Did the Cabal edit the Bible?

  • Yes. the New International Version of the Bible has deleted this very important verse. 
  • Yes it is connected to the Disney Corporation.


Our Mission

To raise awareness that the cabal is editing our Bibles and removing the truly powerful knowledge God has given us. Buy a T-Shirt to support this cause and to tell others about what is happening. 

Our Design

Our designs are made to appeal to as many people as possible. Often shirts with messages on them can attract too much attention but we strive to create tasteful yet meaningful designs so anyone can support the cause of raising awareness about this powerful verse that is under attack.